Keep Your Family Informed.
Debt and other financial difficulties can take a significant toll on your personal well-being. However, if you have a family, that toll only becomes heavier. You worry about providing for your family members, and you worry about their happiness. They will notice your stress, and they will notice that you do fewer activities and give fewer presents. The financial hardship will get to everybody. And while your spouse may understand, your children may not. Below, we have given you a brief guide on helping your children cope during this difficult time.
Young Children (Ages 1-9)
Younger children have little to no life experience, which means they may assume that you have an endless supply of money, treats, and presents. As the adult, you must have supernatural powers that provide all these things. You have all the knowledge and all the power.
Since children often think of you and themselves as invincible at this age, they may not fully comprehend when you tell them about your financial situation. They may cry when you explain that you cannot buy them the toy they want. However, you will get through to them eventually if you take the following steps:
Don’t expect your children to fully understand the situation right away. It may take a few weeks or months for them to comprehend, especially if financial disaster strikes around Christmas or a birthday. Exercise patience and empathy as you help your children through this difficult time.
Older Children (Ages 10-17)
Older children will better understand your financial hardship than younger children, but they’ll still experience disappointment and frustration. Use these tips to help them understand and cope:
Again, you will have to exercise patience. Older children may have more understanding, but they’ll still need support.
Talking to Your Adult Children (Ages 18+) If:
You Have Debt
At this point, your children should have jobs of their own. They should have moved out of the house and started their post-secondary education. However, even though they don’t live under your roof anymore, you’ll still have to help them cope with the situation.
Since you have adult children now, you shouldn’t have any trouble conveying the situation’s seriousness. However, your children may feel upset because they still need a financial safety net. Express compassion, but be firm.
They Have Debt
Many parents think they need to bail their children out of a financial crisis. However, you usually shouldn’t. Your children need to learn to stand on their own feet, so they need to experience consequences for their actions. This doesn’t mean you abandon them to their fate though—explain that you’ll keep them alive, but you won’t pay their debts. You should also walk them through the process of financial recovery.