Surviving the Holiday Season on a Budget
Being on a Budget doesn’t have to Lessen the Fun. The holidays are a time to celebrate! They are also a time to be financially prepared for your upcoming expenses since costs can [...]
Debt: Then vs. Now
A Comparison of Bankruptcy & Proposal from 20 years ago. Canada has seen a significant increase in personal debt load over the past 20 years. Driven by profit that financial institutions earn, it [...]
Don’t Let Back to School Get You Down
Back to School Financial Stress. Each year when children go back to school, we seem to get barraged with additional expenses. There are tuition and school fees, supplies to purchase, lunch fees, and [...]
How to Help Your Children Cope with Financial Difficulties
Keep Your Family Informed. Debt and other financial difficulties can take a significant toll on your personal well-being. However, if you have a family, that toll only becomes heavier. You worry about providing [...]
Overcome a Low Credit Score and Secure Your Mortgage
Secure Your Mortgage Faster. For many families, there is one thing that stands in the way of getting a mortgage on a beautiful new home: a low credit score. However, all is not [...]
Debt Got You Down? Get Up and Out!
Moving Past Debt. Less is not always more. The weight of IOU’s on your shoulder can be a heavy burden to bear. When it comes to battling debt, your strongest ally is a [...]
Tips for Saving Money
How to Start Saving Money It has been said that the man who never has money enough to pay his debts has too much of something else. That “something else” could be different [...]
Understanding Your Credit Score
Why Credit Score Matters The next time you apply for a store credit card or look into refinancing for your home, first ask yourself, "Is my credit score all it could be?" Of [...]
Coping with Creditors and Collection Agencies
What are Creditors and Collection Agencies? You already know that creditors are people to whom you owe a debt. They might include credit card companies or banks. They could also be other entities, [...]